Aesop’s Fable “The Tortoise and the Hare” is a classic example of Time Management vs Procrastination. I’m not going to give you a cook book recipe on the best way to manage your time, there are a lot of them out there already and with one click on your favorite search engine I’m sure you can find one that will fit your personality and style. If you want your business to grow, if you have goals for your life and your family, then you are well on your way to obtaining those goals with a solid time management attitude. That’s right I said attitude, because if you really want to reach your goals, you can’t afford to be a “Silly Rabbit.”
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Don’t put things off that need your attention now. When everything is said and done and you look back along the road you have traveled, will you be saying, “If only I had more time I could have?” We each have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year, in the end it’s your responsibility –“response-ability” – your ability to respond to how you use your time. Many of us use our time wisely and many do not. How are you investing your time? Do you have a time management attitude or are you a Silly Rabbit?
If you would like talk about or share something about time management or procrastination leave a comment below, and always remember no matter what kind of business you’re in, you’re really in the people business and if you don’t think you are in the people business, you won’t be in business very long.